Terrific Tuesday it will be and has been.

It's been two weeks since the learning year started for students. We've only had two 4 day weeks and yesterday a student remarked 'feels like I've been here forever!' She is a new Y11 student to our school.
This comment encouraged me as she went on to say that everyone is so kind and helpful.Wow! Take a bow Elim...this is how it should be. This is how it needs to be for every student at school. Many staff including myself have been back at school for 4 weeks. We want our Orinetation 1st Few Days program that we design for the entire College to be a highlight and a habit that will last all year. Students get to attend keynote sessions from key staff members that allows them all to get ready for the school,year. All are introduced at the same time to core values and principles at our school, all students are given opportunities to reflect on learning habits that will best serve them. Its not perfect but it feel good and before survey results are analysed, the uptake and general feedback is positive!


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