
Showing posts from April, 2017

Sick day -be my own reliever .

Today the rain turned to a torrential was a particularly demanding day. Wednesday morning professional learning starts at 7.55am AND I missed it due to an intense migraine. I haven't woken up to one of those this entire term. 'Just take the day off ' my inner critic said. ' Nah...take it easy, move slowly and get to period 1, they need you, it's formal writing hand in day. It's a quiet class. You'll be fine as the day progresses" i reasoned. Well I took it easy, navigated through the puddles, made it to period 1 and was pleasantly surprised with the submission rate. Yay. Holiday reading ! It was also teacher appreciation day...the prefects had arranged a colourful morning tea. I missed that too. One other student handed me a beautifully written note and a chocolate to  say thank you for being a great English teacher. I'm fortunate to only live a few minutes up the road. My non contact time was meant for one set of assessment mark

Growth, stewardship and distributive leadership - my Elim Story

Growth seasons just don't stop at Elim Christian College. Autumn 2017 seems like Spring. We have sprung into a new paradigm of change yet again. We are anticipating a   SPRING of new and vast landscapes of ideas, dreams and HOPES for a new building, a design that meets hundreds of learning needs and teaching expectations and a desire for a miracle that will see teaching staff being agile enough to teach on two campus; either on various days in a week or at set times daily either on one or the other campus. After all we are a one school two sites area school: I have been part of a professional journey for just on 20 years on the same site. Someone recently asked me why I never get 'sick and tired of just teaching at Elim!'. My answer: "I never tire of teaching at Elim because every year a new set of students, subjects and invariably challenges come my way. I am never bored."  I also choose never to be bored . I have grown