
Showing posts from 2019

Thank you Middle Years Team

A mosaic is a creation of colour shape and endless possibilities. Well, the 11 months of landing the Middle Years of Elim Christian College has been just that! So with a washing machine of thoughts and a heart full of thankfulness, here is my unstructured poem and prose. Compressed and stretched we have been Concerned comments we have seen. Exams saw new schedules, venues and serious conversations  Finding our feet and scrambling out from under the proverbial TERM 4 bus of difficulty was made easier with willing hands and hearts keen to serve. At Elim Christian College the fragrance of Christ lingers long after those who serve are applauded.  Dare I list all those who have contributed to a bumper term in the Middle Years program? Like the words in the song ‘ I want to be a nobody who makes somebody encourage everybody...’  Yes I will... Jeanne and Robyn your organization for SAC’s of Y9/10 exams.  Christine Earl your measured reassurance has built our con

NOT just an English teacher

New Year- same goals and refreshed hopes...BUT almost toppled on day one. Almost toppled- My thoughts : In a changing school environment that seemingly embraces new technology and strives to be a growth mindset organization, I am gobsmacked that other professionals and sometimes colleagues refer to me as 'just an English teacher' or  "you who uses too many words...". REALLY? I am a mother with experience...of nutrition, allergies, love, life, survival, heartache, death, sports performance...But I guess at school those are all unseen skills. I am a wife of a production engineer who talks and explains energy footprint, Cadmium, Mercury Telluride, lithography systems, spatial dimensions, practical "commonsense" solutions to vacuum sealing, wire bonding and Oscillator systems and production. I am an aging athlete who loves exercise, from pilates to walking, running and a new found sport- Surf-Ski paddling. btw, The brace stroke is the most important action