Starting the school year positively. Student centered learning.

 This is the second year that our college students have started the school year by attending group sessions on how to ‘Lead their Own learning’ before having to “submit” to the tyranny of the timetable.
I have formulated a program and lead a dynamic team of teachers who deliver sessions loosely based on Alan November’s research and publication: Who Owns the learning (preparing students for success in the Digital Age) and His First five Days- starting the school year research.
In a nutshell all our year 9-12 students attend “Rotation Sessions” for two periods each day for the 1st three days of the school year. It is through each of these important big picture learning to learn sessions that important messages are presented to the students. This has been a successful in introducing our schools core values, lead our learners to understand a commitment to digital citizenship, ensuring correct server access for every student and introducing skills to scaffold thinking and learning right from the go.
At Elim Christian College we believe that every student has “a future and a hope”. Therefor every student is set up for success before we hand out the rulebooks and the subject course outlines. Our “cultural capital” is made visible to every student. It is our mission to prepare them for learning. Get them thinking about their learning, talk to them about resiliency and get them involved in their learning home away from home. We are committed to allowing each student to have a ” happy new year.” To start fresh, to be supported in knowing how to start the year well, with good pathways in place. We do our best to set the atmosphere of positive and enjoyable learning experiences before curriculum shapes teenage temperaments.


On the first day all students enter the gymnasium decorated in a welcoming carnival theme. They are given a welcome brochure, a small gift and enjoy a “social welcome” before meeting their tutor teachers. They find their own class lists and go to allocated venues. (Obviously this involves significant planning and extensive staff collaboration). The students then start a customized timetable for the first week. We have an extended Formal assembly in our large Church Auditorium after lunch on the Fourth day- and by then the students are ready to celebrate the previous year’s academic results, congratulate senior student leaders and receive the keynote address from our principal.  

Details for the rotation sessions:

 Every school year is a year of new beginnings- we echo that to each student.

Rotation Sessions: 1, 2 Core Values
1.      Special Character -The Heart Stuff- Led by Mrs B
 Part 1:  Creating Spaces- making time in our lives to be alone and to be with God, and time to meaningfully connect with others.
 Part 2: Designer Values- maintaining identity, integrity online and offline through knowing and developing core values.

2.      Who owns your learning- Led by Mrs H
 Introduce concepts such as students as researchers, students as collaborators- the Elim academic and cultural capital is lifelong learning, leading others but also supporting others. I unpack examples of how these roles in a blended learning class are good tools for success.
Mrs T introduces a session on tackling the tough stuff and resilience.
Mr W our resident Guidance Counsellor covers a section about getting help when learning is tough. The key focus is on leading your learning about self and others.

Rotation Sessions 3, 4  the Mind Shift content
3.      Scribes- Led by Mr M. How to be mentally present, to capture the details of a lesson. How to take notes, ways to be a good scribe in the class, how as a class you can start your own blog. Help others, peer teach. Become a peer tutor.  ( some great reading inspiration from the teacher who Alan November was most inspired by- have a look at the chemistry student  blog)  

This session will also  include a short video clip featuring our famous male teachers:            ONE DETENTION!

4.      Digital disciples- Led by Mrs N looks at etiquette on the network- netiquette. Concepts from digital citizenship programs, being safe on public forums, knowing your digital footprint etc. intensive and Interactive session.

Rotation Sessions 5,  6 the Active Pathways 
5.      Tech Ready- Led by Mr B and Mr L  Students are introduced to the Elim server, refresh and and/or learn key GAFE skills. Establish email protocol. Clarify myth busters.
Of interest: other schools have IT student helpers- we have digital ambassadors.

6.      Clubs and Codes- Facilitated by Mr J, Miss L,  Mr W and Mr N …short video clips of getting involved at Elim. Sport codes, social clubs and more. This introduces students to the big sign up festival a week later. Also introduced here is the bus user contracts, internet agreement forms, music and locker notices. Sounds like a lot but the helicopter view of what happens on campus is clearly explained at all students. A week later they commit to teams/clubs.  


As part of a future focused supportive leadership team that is committed to empowering our learners to reach their potential in a dynamic changing world I have been afforded the opportunity to customize this program to best suit our student community. Collaboration ideas were well watered with a breakout planning day in term 3. Two key messages that support this shift for leaners to LEAD their own learning are:


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