Crazy busy?

It’s the last Tuesday in October. I’m sitting on one of the benches facing the main quad area; catching up with a colleague to finish off a section in the performance appraisal documentation. Should have been in the library but that room was as cold as a fridge - a student had turned the air conditioner down to 17degrees. Prank. Freezing. The department budget gets discussed so that the final proposal can be agreed on before submission. Must be in by Friday...Then we discuss the new additions to the stationery list- must confirm with all appropriate teachers as these lists must be formalised by Friday...The seniors leave on Friday... at that point what looked like a flash mob was coming our way...silly senior student prank. They have an idea to baptise a teacher in the nearby stream. Really! No. Quick thinking as the centipede of legs...looks like half the school, are oozing out the side gate.  “ stop, this is not a good idea”. “ aw cu’ on..”. “ it’s a leavin* prank”. “This is a Teacher you are  kidnaping. He does not look like he is laughing. Not suitable”. “ we’re just having fun...” .
The traditional last week of the seniors is eventful and also draining. Their routines are about to go out the window. Mine are still governed by lots of must do’s, have to do’s and should be doing!!!!
Surely next week will be a whole lot calmer...probably not. This is School. This is term 4. Not crazy. Just busy. πŸŒŸπŸ˜€πŸŒŸ


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